Saturday, September 8, 2007

Def Leppard Concert

So yesterday was the big day. Cooper had asked for concert tickets for his birthday. I thought 'Oh man, who am I going to have to go listen to?" When he told me he wanted to go see Foreigner, Styx (he pronounced it Stykes), and Def Leppard, I thought "is this his birthday present or mine." "Of course we can go see Def Leppard!" The concert was really good, if there hadn't have been people there it would have been even better. Of course the majority of the people that were there were in their mid-thirties to early fourties reliving their high school days. From the looks of it many of them hadn't stopped living their high school days. Reminded me of the parties I attended with friends in High School except I couldn't give 8 thousand people a ride home, good times. I'll just say this, if High School Musical is any reflection of what the high schoools are like today they have made some great improvements dince I was in school. Maybe it's just the high schools in Utah. My kids don't ever come home with new dance moves or anything though....... Check out Coopers blog for a more detailed description of the concert.