Monday, March 24, 2008

Summer, the rat

The other night Bronson discovered a lump in his rats stomach. Leslie and I just figure she would die and that would be it. The next night Bronson came in with a somewhat disgusted look on his face and told us there was now a hole in his rats stomach. Seems that thing had some sort of an absess and it worked its way out, leaving a pretty good view into its belly. She didn't seem sick, Leslie cleaned the hole out with some peroxide and put some neosporane on it. I was still convinced the thing would be dead in the morning. We were crackin' up when Kait googled 'hole in rats stomach' and got a bunch of hits. One guy explained in detail how he had his vet draw a sample from the lump for tests and almost paid to have the lump removed. It was hilarious. He could have bought 15 new rats for what he paid for the tests and the antibiotic his vet gave him. Anyway, we are happy to report that the did not have to attend a rat funeral and the hole has healed up completly.


Amy Coontz said...

That is so GROSS!! But I'm glad it didn't die.

Mr. Ailstron said...

Yes you do qualify for a Garrett/Porter, but first, i need you to answers these questions;
Who are you
Waht are you
What race are you(no questions please)
who is your spouse
what is your spouse
what race is your spouse
who are your children
what are your children
what races are your children
who are your pets
what are your pets
and what race are your pets
More questions to follow. all you have to do is answer!!
and who is this z-o-l-o-l-k-i-s?

Mr. Ailstron said...

Please Answer!!!!!

Mr. Ailstron said...

How many comments do you have now? I'm trying to make your blog look popular. Answer!!

Matthew Urmston said...

Answers for Garret

I am Me.
I am people.
My wife
she is people
the KIDS
they are mine
100 yd dash, 440, 1 mile, 5k, 10k
the animals we feed
dog, horse, rat, bird
Zololkis is a blogspot spammer

Mr. Ailstron said...

Oh, my. Blogspot spammer? Oh, anyway, More questions.
where are you
why are you there
how are you
when are you
where is your spouse
why is your spouse there
how is your spouse
when is your spouse
what is music
what is Italy
what is pizza
what is a blogspot spammer
who is favorite blogger
where is he/she
what's with the hole in the rat
why are my questions weird
how many people are breathing right this second?
now this second
how about this one
and this one (talking about seconds)
what is a turtle
what is a tortise
how do you spell tortoise
what is the difference between whales andshark whales
what is the office
when is the office on
what timee is the office on
what is the dharma ennicitive
how do you spell that
who am I
what am I
What race am I
How many fingers am I holding up
and why am I not using question marks?
Oh just did nevermind
Do you enjoy me wasting your time
Please answer. Garrett

Mr. Ailstron said...

aNswer questions