Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Foundation wall....

The forms were pulled off the foundation wall yesterday. We spent the day today cleaning up. Our neighbor, the contractor, hates a messy work site so we've been very vigilant about keeping the place cleaned up since he drives passed the house several times a day. The kids and the dogs have been having lots of fun playing on the wall and all the piles of dirt that are all over the place. We had to leave a hole in the wall for the plumbing out to the septic tank. Izzy could make it in and out, no problem, Jez and Chloe not so much. Too fat. Next step is to pour the floor in the crawlspace. We'll do that next week and then we'll start framing.


Jaime said...

Very cool. Are you going to be doing the framing? This is all so funny to see. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Amy Coontz said...

I can't believe how fast this part goes.

Mr. Ailstron said...

IF you are checking comments and you want to get a g/p check summer the rat comments for questions. maybe the dogs shouldgo op a diet

Dean and Maryellen said...

Thanks for the update. Especially loved the picture of Chloe. I quess all the activity hasn't slimmed her body down. Looks like you will be up high enough to prevent any problems with flooding.

Jessica said...

just had to let you know that our rat died on conference sunday. we went to feed her and she was a little stiff and still.

"our rat didn't eat today, just lays there stiff and still and sorta staring straight ahead,We tickled her and dangled string in front of her, Kaylin says she's dead, oh no says I a dead rat can not die again.