Friday, April 11, 2008

Footing Formed and Poored....

Foundation guys were here yesterday and got the foundation formed. You'll notice from the picture that the footing sits pretty close to the original grade. We only dug down 4 inches. The footing is 10" so it's 6" above grade. The wall will be 3' 6" so if my math is right the top of the foundation wall will be 4' above grade. Add another 10" for the sub-floor and you might be thinking that our front door will be 4' 10" above the original grade. You be right! We will be bringing in lots of dirt. They poured the footing today and will be back on Monday to form and poor the wall.

As a side note to those of you who may be interested. Leslie's truck is back and it looks brand new. Better than when we loaned to Leslie's sister. They fixed stuff we forgot was broken. One of these days I'll post the before and after, but for now it's still too painful for Leslie to see.

We drove up to salt lake today to pick up a door from an old bungalow some guy remodeled. Leslie wants it for her laundry room door. We have totally become classified add hounds. I check the online classified, two, sometimes three, times a day. We've found some pretty good deals. Of course we had to walk through IKEA on the way home. I can do without that store, there are no windows in that place.


Dean and Maryellen said...

Who are these strange people who put comments on our blogs. I never open them. How do I not have them. I have had about four different ones. I love the updates on the house. Feel like I am a part. Wish I could be there to really help.

Stake Camp Directors said...

Love the door. Especially that the window is high enough to give a great design statement but not show the whole content of the lundry roon which must be the messiest room in the house. We are excited to hear about the progress of your house. Thanks for sharing.

Mr. Ailstron said...

Check Sumer the rat post comments. great whatever. GArrett

Jaime said...

I love that door. I get so excited to see things in motion. How fun it must be to design everything from scratch. Keep the pictures coming I love seeing them.

Courtney said...

ah classifieds...i am addicted to craiglist. I too check it almost three to four times a day. I will spend hours on it. It's pretty pathetic but you find cool stuff. Right now i am on the search for apartments...VERY exciting.