Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just wanted to share this.

Senior Councilor Essay

As a member of this wonderful society I have done many a thing. A few of them are as follows.
In the 9th grade I ran for student council, there was not magic there. I once bought M&M’s every day for 2 weeks in the hopes that people would call me M&M, didn’t happen. I have been mistaken for a hobo. I once watched all three Lord of the Rings: Extended Edition in one day, after which, I built swords and shields out of plywood for my brothers and I. I have mimed, in Spanish, the three little pigs. Let me say, after I led those boy into battle against those orcs, they never messed with us again. I try to help ants out whenever I can, except when there in my home. I have eaten food of the floor after my ten second grace period. I believe I have a soupier immune system, but I’m don’t think I’m better than anybody. I buy all of my shoes from Ross. I am an expert at balancing food on a fork and, if I try really hard, I can sometimes put it into my mouth. As a child I thought that the D.I. stood for Donated Items, I was sad to find out it didn’t. When my fried ran for Student Body Officer, I dressed up in a bunny suit and shouted Vote for Garret. He ended up winning. I saved my little brother from death once. I tried out for the Freshman Basketball team. I didn’t make it but bounced back with renewed enthusiasm the next two years. The same thing happened.

I joined the swim team instead. I will be the captain of that swim team next year. Two years ago, on a trip to Cedar City, I smashed a cup on my head for the amusement of my team. In my juvenile(not delinquent) I wanted to see the effect of fire on gasoline and ended up getting my eyebrows singed of. I also through slop into the wind, A small, now crying boy, me, ended up with a face full of slop and got a very long shower. I’m an avid watcher of the office. Brian Regan is one of my top 10 heroes along with, Will Smith, Cosmo Kramer, The Cast of Lord of the Rings and Johnny Depp. Above all of those though is my Father, My Uncle Peter, and my scout leader, Cody Bradford. I was kicked out of a church basket ball game for reasons I am not proud of. I once sniffed pepper up my nose as a dare. I was also dared to eat a leaf on that same trip, I did it. I built a putting green into a swing. It is the best darn swing ever. I have pretty much watched every episode of Seinfeld made. I started doing P90X once. I have wanted to run a marathon. I once wrote a
song for the guitar. I have lived in Hawaii. I once ran for my life from wood nymphs which I thought were attracted to the urine I had just placed behind a tree.

I have done all of these wonderful things, but I have never been on the Spanish Fork Student Council. I feel that most of these experiences in some way have given me the traits I would need to serve this school well. The ones I came up with are:
Determination- I really want this. I feel that my passion for the position itself would be an awesome reason as to why I would do this school well. Every morning when I watch the morning announcements, I think to myself, I am doing that next year. I will be doing that next year and I know it.
Laughter- This may sound like a weird one, but I could care less about embarrassing myself. When I do embarrass my self, I’m usually the first one laughing. I also make people laugh. I have been told various times that I should be a comedian when I grow up. I have also been told, “ If you make me laugh anymore I’m going to have a six pack!” I love to make people Laugh. It is one of my favorite sounds, Number 2. Right under a golf ball going into the hole.
Leadership- This is obviously an important one, but I love to be right up in the action. I don’t necessarily like telling people what to do, but if I have to, I will. Delegation is a tool I use wisely.
Creative- I feel I am very creative. I would come up with plenty of Ideas as to what to do for this school. All I need is time to do it and the tools to do it.
Friendship- I am a loyal friend. When ever any of my friends have asked me to do something, if it’s not outrageous, I do it. I love to help my friends out
So all of these things I fell would help me be a great councilor. The position I am really interested in is the president or the vice pres(or whatever you call that one). I really feel I am going to do a wonderful job this year and hope something happens. Thank you and see you next year!!

Cooper Urmston


Amy Coontz said...

Thanks for the laugh!! He needs to not rely on spell check so much!

Urmston Family said...

Way to go Cooper and best of luck.

Dean and Maryellen said...

He has my vote. Let us know what the results are. Seraiah has returned home. Called right away. Loved being with you. We will see her on Saturday for a long chat

Stake Camp Directors said...

That essay is a great embodiment of the kiddo we call Cooper. I don't get though that you just run and then they assign you to position? You are a winner!

Cooper Urmston said...

Thanks Mom

Dean and Maryellen said...

Oh Cooper, you are so handsome, but get rid of the tights and cape.

Grandpa Urmston