Saturday, February 28, 2009

Just Some Stuff

First official sleepover in the unofficial house. We don't do sleepoverss but this was necessity. Two off the neighbors kids joined us. We made a large spread of blankets and sleeping bags on the partly finished wood flooring in the dining room. After singing Im Trying to be Like Jesus and saying prayer, we proceeded to tell funny stories, alot of farting, burping, armpit farting, and laughing. Doodle, suggested we sing some Chris le Doux songs (her dad is a REAL cowboy). Blue Eyes and Freckles, Bucskin Lady, He Rides the Wild Horses, Yellow Stud, Night Riders Lament, Continental Cowboy, and the crowd pleaser, Copenhagen. Things soon quieted down and I found myself looking forward to the sun streaming through the beautiful windows onto our resting place in the morning. As we were all drifting off, Bugsy said, "Hey, this doesnt just feel like a house, its a home. Ahhhhhhhhh. I do wish it were finished. It would be nice to actually sleep in the Massters Bedsroom tommorws night ( that dang ss button). We had fun with the painting. I am glazing all the main area walls right now. It is quite a daunting task, but I just pick an area to do each day and keep on truckin'. I pause every now and again to put in a couple chunks of wood flooring. Matt mostly takes care of that when he gets home from work. It is so close to finished I can almost taste it. Other snewss. Izzy had 7 puppiess, 2 died, and she pushed one out, we tryed to bottle feed it but it didnt make it either. Baby puppies are SO cute. In almost every waking moment of their spare time, the fam is becoming the best rock band ever. You should see papa on the drums. Smokin'!!!!!!!! We got a little fancy for v-day and Coop wrapped the bumper of the hot red car around a power pole one icy morning. And for some really great news. Matt got a great job offer from a company, but the company he is working for now did not want to let him go so they made him a better offer and he accepted. Thanks your for your concern, encouragement, love, and prayers, in our behalf. We love you all.


Jessica said...

that puppy tail on the table picture is quite confusing until you scroll down. looks like fun in the new house. cooper has some real art work going on there. congrats on getting in to the house! Have fun getting settled...

Jessica said...

that puppy tail on the table picture is quite confusing until you scroll down. looks like fun in the new house. cooper has some real art work going on there. congrats on getting in to the house! Have fun getting settled...

Stake Camp Directors said...

Yipee, some great news from our favorite UtahUrms! Congrats on the jobs, trails,(wrecked car but it doesn't rhyme)and puppy dog tails, cuz' that's what your family is made of.

Mr. Ailstron said...

It's all awesome!!! except maybe the dog tails.

Mr. Ailstron said...

All:looks like you had a good sleepover glad you had fun on v-day your floor and car
Izzy: sorry and congrats on the puppies
Kat:i like your art you are a good no great artist
Uncle Matthew:Congrats on the job


missionary mama said...

wow! big house! big party! rocking out with the guitar hero world tour eh!

scary accident!
talented Kaitlin!
eeeeew! why did you cute the tails off?

congrat$ on di job!

what else didn't happen at the urmstons this month?

missionary mama said...
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Epeneter Family said...

Matt, Give me a call. Trying to contact you. The email address I have for you bounces.

The Panero Family said...

The floors look beautiful. I can't wait to see pictures when it is all done.-N