Sunday, June 1, 2008

Moving Along...

Here's a photo of the latest progress. Note the trusses on the ground. This is one of the reasons why we are doing so much of this ourselves. "We'll get started on Thursday" will always turn into we'll start first of next week. Hopefully we'll get a roof on this week. In the mean time I'll be taking off my framing hat and putting on my plumbers hat and get that going this week.

We made a quick trip up to Northern Utah this weekend to get some of the beams and decking material we are going to use throughout the house. Lots of old weathered lumber off of a ranch that Leslie's sister Lela and family live on. I wasn't so sure about this particular design choice but I think it's going to look great.

We also got a second baby. Berti arrived a couple weeks ago. Our third mare delivered hers also but the baby didn't make it. So we've got Berti and Ender


Dean and Maryellen said...

So sorry about the little pony. What happened. House is looking good.

Unknown said...

Where's the RV parking and hookups?

Nat Nat said...

cute pictures. Sorry you lost one. We lost 2 calfs this spring. It bites.

The house is looking great, thanks for the walk through, I love your floor plan!

Mr. Ailstron said...

How's the house? Are the trusses up yet? thanks for having us we had a great time.