This weekend was the Benjamin Stock show. Kaitlin has a sheep that she sho
wed along with a bunch of other kids. This stock show is kind of the warm up for the Spanish Fork Stock show where all the 4-h kids bring their livestock to show and sale. Kaitlin had a lot of fun as you can see. Her sheep was invited back with about six others for final viewing for Grand Champion. She didn't win it but her friend did and Kait was pretty excited for her. This picture illustrates why Kailey's sheep was the Grand Champion and Kaitlin's was not. With sheep it's all about the butt. The bigger the butt, the more to eat. Yes in 4-h they have these kids raise these animals, make them real pretty to show-off and then they sell them to someone who is going to butcher them and eat them. It's like the anti-PETA organization and I personally think it's great.
Yesterday we ordered the concrete to poor in the crawlspace. We had some re
ally great neighbors volunteer to help. That is hard work. I want to say that I gained a new respect for guys that do concrete work for a living but it's difficult for me to respect someone that does something that hard for as little as they get and not find something else to do. Maybe it get's easier the more you do it. I'm pretty sure I don't want to find out. But we got it done and now we'll get some lumber delivered and get started on the framing.....
I love your life. ENjoy every minute. I always felt I should have been born any place but the city.
Question- I thought crawlspace was the area where you crawl. If it is filled with cement doesn't that make the crawling nigh to impossible? Thanks for the update.
Okay its garrett. all you have to do to get a garrett porter is put us on your blog includig these:
pictures of us
writing about how great we are
and say were the best.
thats it. I guess you don't want to answer all my questions
whic are on summer the rat comments were all of this staterd a long time ago. I'll try to get you a garrett porter if you do these things. I go easy but poter is stubborn.
Oh, one last thing. People are starting to think I'm crazy when they tead these comments even when they are supposed to be private.
well absolutly crazy
Hey don't you know I am an official member of PETA??? Hello! So quit making fun. Yeah PETA... People for the Eating of Tasty Animals right? Ummm.... well at least that's what I signed up for.
I am comming over to see your crawl space. I am looking at yours thinking we should have put in cement. AWESOME!!
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