Sunday, November 30, 2008

Is it Sunday again?

I'm not sure where the time goes. Decks are done, garage doors are in, closets are ready, the gas gets turned on this week so we can turn the furnace on and start painting. Hopefully we'll have it done in time to lay the hardwood when we have all the extra helping hands during Christmas. We celebrated two birthdays this month, Addi and Kaitlin, both had great birthday dinners. Pizza and Chicken Curry. Addi wanted purple cows (grape floats) instead of a cake for dessert and Kaitlin had Key Lime and Turtle pie. Thanksgiving was spent over at Lee and Alicia Benders house. Bronson had his final piano recital last week. He finally won the battle of wills and is no longer being forced to endure the torture that is piano lessons. (sounds like someone I know) We're going to have to find something else for him to do. Kaitlin had her first game of the season last week. $5 a piece to get into a pre-season, non-league, sophomore GIRLS, basketball game. Are you kidding me? They have a couple pretty good players on the team and it should be a fun year. Cooper has a few more swim meets before his season is over. He seems to take a few seconds off every event at each meet and really has a good time. Addi may be taking Bronson's place at piano. Everyday she'll sit down and plunk out tunes she knows. Think of me from Phantom of the Opera is her favorite. Wyatt just played a number at the Spanish Fork Middle school talent show. He enjoys it and is really having fun in scouts. (sounds like someone I don't know) Now I need to go take my Sunday afternoon nap.


Dean and Maryellen said...

Love the house. is the old house to the right looking at the new house from the front. Where are the horses. Hope you nap was great. Who takes naps?

Amy Coontz said...

The house is looking great!!

My nap was nixed, home teacher!!

Stake Camp Directors said...

UMMMMMMMMMM how excited is the Marc Urmston family to come visit? Can't even put it in words. Love the house and pretty much anywhere we can hang out with our Utah cousins.

Mr. Ailstron said...

House is looking great!!! We are coming on the 26th- Can't wait to see you all!

The Panero Family said...

I am in love with your garage doors. Hopefully I'll see it in person soon.

DrGooch said...

Hi Urmstons,

We sure love our little mule. She's a firecracker and loves to go. Check my blog dated 12/13 for some pictures of her fancy foot work. They were taken today on the Haslem trail--Kailee riding her. She covers the rough stuff as well as my big mule...

Love to have you come ride with us while its cool enough to go. Don't worry, there are some easier horse trails too!


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