Saturday, December 15, 2007


Leslie has been tagged by Erman and I was tagged by Kaitlin so here you go...

Six Random Facts - - Leslie Urmston

1. I love it when I successfully make my husband laugh. (because I said something funny, not when he laughs when I'm trying to be serious.)

2. When I was in grade school we spent Saturdays dumpster diving behind the mall in hopes of finding new shoes. Best find: new winter coat.

3. We once received homemade underwear from Mom for Christmas.

4. My Brother Lane and I once smoked a full pack of cigarettes we found in the ranch hands pickup truck.

5. The first guy I ever kissed was my husband. (it was before our wedding day but not on the first date)

6. I have CRS!

Six Random Facts -- Matthew Urmston

1. I have major personal space issues.

2. When I get on a plane the first thing I do is put on my headphones so the person sitting next to me is less likely to speak to me.

3. I really don't like computer's.

4. The first girl I ever kissed was not my wife.

5. I have a brother who once went a whole year without watching T.V.

6. One of my favorite things to do is sit and watch people. I have found the Airport and the Mall prime locations for this activity.


Mr. Ailstron said...

i think i know who the no tv brother is...

Dean and Maryellen said...

I loved reading about both of you. interesting little things to note

Amy Coontz said...

What is CRS?

Urmston Family said...


I wish you would have discovered your dislike of computers before I decided to follow in your footsteps. I believe those same words have come out of my mouth more than once.