.........off of this pony. Rain, shine, wind, snow, saddled or without, she is always wanting to ride. Love this pony and this girl.
Love this boy. He did a funny. Has been begging his coach to take him to INNOUT after meets. She finally told him if he would swim a 53 in his 100 she would. His best time was 57. After lots of team and parental encouragement and some gels and shot blocks (him talking 100 miles an hour all hyped up) he did it and qualified for state. INNOUT after the meet. Whatever motivates ya!! State swim at BYU 1st weekend in Feb.
" The way you see me today is not going to be the way you will see me tomorrow because there is a victory to be won!" Author Unknown
...when grandma comes home.... clap our hands, jump for joy, knitting endlessly. Look what you started. JoAnn's loves to see us coming. Kait has knitted lots of scarves already and now shes moved on to crochetted hats. Even Bronson and Addi have joined us for a spell. Fun. Fun! Christmas was awsome. This entire vaction has been so much fun and gone by so fast. We have truly enjoyed this holiday season and especially the time spent with family and good friends. Peter Urmston family came and we did some sledding.
Tradition lives because young people come along who catch